Wednesday, February 24, 2010

growing rings


Like Rilke, I live life in growing rings,
but often find that I am trapped
in squares, abandoned without any wings
on mountain tops that rise, snow capped,
never reaching heights where I may find
a glimpse of God, who disappears
each time I circumnavigate my mind,
unperceived by eyes or ears
in circles which I never have been able
to complete. And yet God’s staff
still leads me, since He spreads for me a table
where I can eat and drink, and laugh.

Inspired by a ppoem by Rainer Maria Rilke, “Ich lebe mein Leben im wachsenden Ringen,” “I live my life in growing rings”

Ich lebe mein leben im wachsenden Ringen,
die sich über die Dingen ziehen.
Ich werde den letzen vielleicht nicht volbringen,
aber versuchen will ich ihn.

Ich kreise um Gott, um den uralten Turm,
und ich kreise jahrtausendelang;
und ich weiß nocht nicht: bin ich ein Falke, ein Sturm
oder ein großer Gesang.

I live my life in growing rings
which move out over the things around me.
Perhaps I'll never complete the last,
but that's what I mean to try.

I'm circling around God, around the ancient tower,
and I've been circling thousands years;
and I still don't know: am I a falcon, a storm
or a great song.


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